Use Real Market Volume to find the best levels to open your orders and set stop loss the right way

Real Market Volume
Horizontal volume indicator tracks the number of buy and sell
orders for an asset at each point.
It enables you to accurately identify the trend, support and resistance levels, and power balance
between the bulls and the bears.
This tool also demonstrates volume distribution for
350+ instruments.
This is a secret language spoken by the pros. Use it to follow the big players and make winning trades.
This is a secret language spoken by the pros. Use it to follow the big players and make winning trades.
How to make money with Real Market Volume
How to make money with
Real Market Volume
Forex indicator will help you improve the overall quality of your trades. Being aware of the
exact traded volumes, you can predict further price moves much easier. On top of that, you’ll know
when the trend starts to die down or gain momentum. Check out the video to find out what Real Market
Volume is for and how to make the most of it with your strategy.
Become one of those who have already increased the profitability of their trades by 53% with Real
Market Volume.